I have decided to change the way my email notifications will go out to my subscribers.

Most of you still receive a notification whenever I make a post. There are several people who have not received notifications for my last three posts. Their emails are continually getting bounced back due to increased security at their email provider.

I have decided to move my notifications to MailChimp. Any post I make here should be sent out around 10 a.,.m via MailChimp. I have decided not to turn off the email notification from my website, which I have been using for about four years, until I am sure using MalChimp will succeed for all my subscribers. I plan to have the double notifications only be for a maximum of the next three posts to make sure I set everything up correctly via MailChimp and to see everything works correctly.

If it works, I also have the opportunity to allow the posts to autopost to Twitter and Facebook. This will be a good step forward for me as I have grown to despise Facebook and it is not a good place for me to be mentally. I truly want to delete the account, but it is often the only way to check in with a few people, so I feel compelled to keep it.

Most of you should receive two notifications today. The first one will be the usual one you receive, which goes out within 90 minutes of me posting it. Hopefully, around 10 a.m., mountain time, the MailChimp notification will go through.

If everything works well, you can expect notifications of new posts at 10 a.m., whenever I make a new post. I chose this time because I write the majority of my posts sometime between midnight and 8 a.m. It seemed like the most logical time.

Thanks for understanding in all this as I try to solve the email issue for everyone involved.